DO THIS IF YOU ARE ALWAYS ANGRY, financial discipline, refuse to allow any limitation

“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

God wants His children to know the truth from His Word, because the truth makes you free from bondage and sets you at liberty. This is one of the primary benefits of attending church meetings, and being committed in a local Church, for the Church is the ground and pillar of truth. It’s the place where you’re taught the truth—God’s Word that puts you over in life.

You can’t expect to grow spiritually as a Christian except you’re taught God’s Word. This is why the Lord anointed ministers and set them over His flock in the Church—to teach you His Word and impart faith, strength and courage to you, and the Church is the place ordained of God for this to take place. In the Church, the truth of God’s Word is taught and explained; and this is crucial for the spiritual growth and edification of the believer.

You can never have a good enough reason to consistently skip Church services. I’ve heard of folks who stopped attending Church services because somebody in the Church offended them. That’s wrong; you can’t afford to stop going to Church. What such folks need to realize is that the Church is not a place for perfect people; it’s a place for perfecting people: “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; FOR THE PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS, FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY, FOR THE EDIFYING OF THE BODY OF CHRIST” (Ephesians 4:11-12).

Personal Bible study is very healthy and must be embraced by all Christians but it can’t take the place of corporate worship—the assembly of ourselves together. You have to be in the house of God so you can hear the Word, grow spiritually, and be active in the work of the Kingdom.

So, part of your goal this year must to be more vitally involved and committed in the house of God. Don’t miss the services in your local Church, and be sure to be available for your Cell-group meetings and other spiritual activities organized for you in your local assembly.


  1. Thank you you Lord for the privilege to have access & function actively in serving you faithfully in your house.
    I will not neglect the gathering of the assembly.
    I grow spiritually through your word in study and meditation.
    My appreciation kindly, to our dear man of God Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSC DSC DD PhD for his teaching in truth.

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