For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4).

Faith is the victory that overcomes the world! God expects us to live in the realm of the finished works by maintaining the victory that He obtained for us through His death, burial, and resurrection. As we consistently take our stand in faith against sickness, disease, poverty, death, and every manipulation of the enemy, we are maintaining our victory in Christ Jesus. You must completely reject anything that hurts or binds because you’ve been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. Our new life in Christ is a super-life; it’s a daily expression of victorious and triumphant living!

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 2:14, “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ…” Notice that it didn’t say we triumph sometimes, but always! Let me tell you, there’s no defeat for the Christian. A true Christian doesn’t fail in life; he’s an all-around success. When you come to that level where faith becomes your conscious lifestyle, you’ll never have cause to despair, nor would you give any more room for despondency in your life. You will stop blaming someone else for whatever problems you’ve been facing because you’ll discover that you’re responsible for your destiny.

Nobody can make you poor, sick, or subject to the low life of a victim because you operate daily by faith! Your faith is the victory that overcomes the world and its systems! In John 16:33, Jesus said, “…Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Nobody ever talked like Jesus. How on earth could He say He had overcome the world when He hadn’t even gone to the Cross, much less rise from the dead? He spoke these words before His death, burial, and resurrection. It must mean that He did something that you and I could do today.

There was nothing in the system of this world that wasn’t subject to Jesus. He exercised dominion over all things. He tamed and overcame the world by speaking words of faith, words full of divine energy! He spoke to trees, fishes, corpses, maimed limbs, deaf ears, blind eyes, demons of darkness, and stormy winds and waves… and they all obeyed Him. He transcended the laws of nature; He was never a victim for one moment! He walked on water, spoke to the wind, and calmed the storm. When He encountered the leprous, He said, “Be clean,” and the leprosy was gone. He defied gravity when He ascended into heaven. He was a world overcomer!

Guess what! We are also like Him. He has given us the power and authority to reign, rule, dominate, and tame the circumstances of life through our faith-filled words! Just like Jesus, the words we speak are spirit and they are life (John 6:63). In 1 John 5:4, the Spirit of God declares that your faith is the conquering power that tames the world. The world cannot withstand that great power of faith in you. Live in victory by speaking faith-filled words.

Your faith subdues the world and its systems. You neutralize whatever policies or laws fashioned to work against you in this world by your faith-filled words. Never brood over any loss or any contrary thing that has happened in your life. The message of faith isn’t meant to sympathize with you. By that, I mean that faith doesn’t look for care; rather, faith cares. Faith doesn’t cry out for help; it helps!

Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world (1 John 5:4). This means that anything that originates from God is automatically an overcomer! You’re born of God, so you’re an overcomer! The Word of God is in your mouth; it has divine ability when uttered by the lips of faith! Don’t think defeat, failure, and lack because you’re a child of God. He lives in you; He’s in your blood, bones, skin, even your voice, for His life is in you! Speak faith-filled words; this is the victory that overcomes the world!


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